Trail run by my apartment. Handled hills a lot better on this one, didn't have to stop. If I can't go fast yet, climbing hills is just as challenging.
Tuesday: 5.1 miles
Pacer duties, 25:55 XC 5k total, 2 miles cool down
Wednesday: 1000 meter swim, 12 miles biking
Took it easy because I put some stress on the foot Tuesday.
Thursday: 2.5 miles
Easy trail run
Friday: 3 miles
Hampton Hills trail with Abby, didn't have to stop after stair climb section! But kept tripping on roots, no falls though.
Saturday: 60 minutes on elliptical
Even when it's hot, I'd rather be outside than indoors and on a machine. Except yesterday. And I didn't want to do my pseudo long run on a treadmill.
Sunday: 3.8 miles
Wanted to do 5 miles but got a late start (midnight) and the cooler temps made my foot act up- hurt a lot. I also had indigestion. I ended this disorganized jaunt with 4 strides that got me feeling better and awakened some muscles I haven't used in a while. Better to have taken it easy than to keep pushing through pain. And 3.8 is better than nothing at all I guess.
Total: 17.5 miles running, 12 miles biking, 1000 meters swimming, 6.5 miles elliptical
I am being as smart as I can be with my mileage increase, even if it feels slow. But going too fast is what brought me to this point. XC season is on the verge of starting daily so this week is crucial for being smart and patient. Pacing all the different groups of runners provides a nice balance between speed work and taking it easy for injury's sake. What makes it a challenge is feeling disorganized by being all over the place. However, I have to remind myself that they are at different points in the process than I- I can use these runs towards my base. And at the same time, coach them to their potential.