Team run. Wore inserts and took it slow. Pain free during run. Dealing with some pain afterwards.
Tuesday: 30 minute swim (1250 yards)
Wednesday: 40 minute swim (1600 yards), 20 minute aqua jog
Thursday: 30 minute swim (1250 yards)
Friday: 1 mile run with team, then pool workout- 12 lap warm-up, 10 x 50 sprint simulations, 12 lap cool down (1700 yards)
It's a lot harder to get faster in the pool than it is to get faster on land, at least for me. I definitely improved on my sprints (used to do these in about 58-60 seconds, now averaging 53 seconds). Those are still slow times, about a 30 minute per mile pace, which is the average time it takes for a swimmer to swim a mile and this felt nearly all-out. But for me it's nice to see my extra time spent in the pool pay off. I'm glad I found a cross training activity that challenges me just as much as running and makes me feel like I worked hard at the end of the day.
Saturday: 2 miles
My biggest accomplishment this week was a short 2 mile run at midnight on a golf course. It was an accomplishment because it was late at night, cold, I was on my foot all day, and I was dreading it. The last couple of runs with such a scenario have turned out terrible but on this night, it went well and I was glad I was able to overcome the variables and be PAIN FREE! This will hopefully be good practice for winter training.
Sunday: 1600 meter swim
New pool PR! 34:49, nearly six minutes off my previous best. Still slow but working my way up to the average miler swimmer. I didn't go all out. Rather I started off with a breast stroke lap then did 4 freestyle laps emphasizing kicking hard and then continued with one breast stroke lap as a recovery then repeated the 4 laps of freestyle for a total of 33 laps. It felt like a quality workout.
TOTAL: 6 miles running, 4.2 miles swimming
Emphasized cross training this week to let all the scar tissue heal on the heel. Foot hasn't felt this good since January as a result. The next few weeks will continue to be lower running mileage and higher cross training output.