Monday: 80 minutes in pool- 60 min aqua jog, 20 min swim
Tuesday: 50 minutes various activities (inc. running!)- went to Wooster to visit James's coach, Matt Woods, of Real Fitness. He offered some input on my foot, cross training, and marathon prep. Like I realized last week, there is no need to rush a marathon. It's best to ease back into it (started with 3 x 5 minutes of running). This approach will lengthen my base training and better prepare me for a fall marathon (pending no more injuries). I plan to try running every other day with this approach for the next week or two while cross training in between. The more I swim and aqua jog, the more I want to integrate it into my training when I am not injured! It will be interesting to see how it has payed off.
Wednesday: 73 minutes in pool- aqua jogging, 10 min w/up, 4 x mile simulations (7:35, 7:37, 7:29, 7:23) with 90 seconds rest in between (except last repeat, 2 min 40 sec rest to go pee), then 10 min cool down. Felt moderately difficult, heart rate got up to 160. After jog, swam 1000 meters around 24 minutes. My swimming is getting a little faster, but focusing more on duration and aerobic base than speed.
Thursday: Started off with 5 minute walking warm-up, excited as hell to try running again after having minimal pain all day. Then as soon as I started running, the pain kicked in. I couldn't even hold 2 minutes of running. I kept pronating inward on the bum foot. My form felt funny and I didn't want to adjust or compensate for the pain so I started walking again. I used 10 minutes as my warm-up then hit the stationary bike for 30 minutes and went up to the track to try walk/jog again. Duh me, the tighter curves didn't help with the pronating so that only lasted a minute. I went back to the treadmill to try walking but there was pain so I raised the white flag and called it a night. Currently, the foot is not getting any worse (when I'm not active) but it's not getting any better. I'm not going to start running again until the pain is all gone. F U plantar fasciitis!
Friday: 50 minute swim
Saturday: 60 minutes elliptical. Foot was feeling ok before workout then started to ache a lot afterwards. Not sure if this was due to incorporating a new cross training activity or the stupid PF. I think I will stick to swimming and biking as my main activities. Although, I felt like I had a nice workout aerobically, as I held a 6.8 mph pace (an improvement from my past elliptical efforts). I actually was averaging 7.5 mph for the first 30 minutes but bathroom troubles slowed me down for the last 30 minutes.
Sunday: Off
TOTAL: 5 hr 53 min cross training
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