Monday, August 1, 2011

The painful process of changing form

I've been focusing on less heel striking since early April. At the beginning of this process, my calves ached in pain and I eventually had a stress reaction in my ankle. After that mishap, and some time off, I found it much easier to transition to a mid foot strike (without any calf pain). For the last four weeks, I've been running more mid-foot, and as a result, there has been no plantar fasciitis. However, last week, I took my new form to an extreme and ran a somewhat intense track workout with all mid-foot striking. After the workout, the top of my foot started hurting and the next day it was difficult to walk. I attributed the pain to a lack of slow and easy miles with a mid-foot strike (to adjust and gain efficient muscle memory). I took three days off and ran an easy 3 miles last night on the golf course. Afterward, the pain started to come back and now I find myself a bit down again with another stress reaction.

As frustrating as injuries can be, my training has taken a predictive cycle. I think that this may be the last round of stress reactions (for now) because I've learned these lessons the hard way. I'll aim to take the next two weeks off from running but continue to cross train. And when it's time to come back, I'll pick up with the easy miles while adjusting my form. I know it's working because my times are better, my stride feels more efficient, and most importantly, it erased my plantar fasciitis.

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